Notable Cases
Notable complex cases the firm has been involved with as litigator.
R v A – lead defendant in a county lines drugs case – prosecution sought 11 years custody as a starting point, defendant received 4 ½ years.
R v C – represented 2 clients in a 16 handed drugs conspiracy case with complex POCA matters. Case resolved without need for a trial. No evidence offered by crown on original offence.
R v M – multi handed county line drugs case.
R v G – case involving complex encro chat information – acquitted at trial.
Murder / Manslaughter
R v S – murder – Defendant accused of killing a love rival.
R vB -murder involving complex causation issues involving numerous experts
R V S – murder resulting in hung jury – co defendant convicted
R V H – murder involving Youth Defendant
R V R – Murder of stranger following argument
R v G – manslaughter of male following football match
R v S – murder – 3 handed case. Our defendant was found not guilty of murder.
Rape and sexual assault
R v S –Stranger rape x 2 = Defendant acquitted at trial.
R V B – Rape of x2 complainants
R v E – Stranger rape
S18 assaults
R v K – S18 – only Defendant of 3 acquitted at trial
R v A – s18 – acquitted at trial
R v S – 16 handed conspiracy to manufacture and supply firearms. Largest case of its kind in the UK.